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Controversy over his private life Kim Sunho’s shy fingers


Controversy over his private life Kim Sunho’s shy fingers His dimple smile makes my heart flutter


Actor Kim Sun-ho’s recent situation has been captured.

On the 11th, Kim Sun-ho’s staff diary Instagram posted several photos with the article, “#Seonho met at the poster shoot for the preferred photo play ‘Touch the Boyd’:) Watch out for the heat this week, and have a preferred day.”

In the released photo, Kim Sun-ho appears to be busy filming the poster for the play. Kim Sun-ho gently put his fingers together with his hands slightly sticking out from the end of his jumper sleeve and smiled dimples, giving fans excitement.

Meanwhile, Kim Sun-ho suspended his activities last year due to controversy over his private life It resumed recently. The play “Touch the Boyd,” starring Kim Sun-ho, is a work that contains a huge snow mountain in a blizzard, a fear trapped in the cold nature, and a fighting spirit of life overcoming the fear

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