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Actor Jang Hyuk X Jang Na-ra X Lee Soon-jae’s “Family,” a pleasant

Actor Jang Hyuk

Actor Jang Hyuk X Jang Na-ra X Lee Soon-jae’s “Family,” a pleasant family spy drama…The first broadcast on April 17th.

Actor Jang Hyuk

Actor Jang Hyuk, Jang Na-ra, and Lee Soon-jae will appear in a huge “family.”

The production team of tvN’s new Monday-Tuesday drama “Family” (scripted by Jung Yoo-sun, directed by Jang Jeong-do) released the first teaser video featuring pleasant characters such as Jang Hyuk, Jang Na-ra, and Lee Soon-jae on the 13th.

“Family” is a dangerous family defense spy comedy by the NIS Black agent husband disguised as an ordinary office worker and the sweet and cruel wife who dreams of a perfect family.

In particular, the work is the fourth collaboration between actors Jang Hyuk and Jang Na-ra in nine years, and is expected from the casting stage.

The released teaser video begins with a significant exchange of eyes between Kwon Do-hoon (played by Jang Hyuk) and Kang Yu-ra (played by Jang Na-ra) along with an urgent and secret background sound. Following the two people nodding their heads as if exchanging operational signs, a gentleman wearing a fedora and Kwon Do-hoon’s father Kwon Woong-soo (played by Lee Soon-jae) appear, raising curiosity.

It also includes family group shots including Kwon Do-hoon, Kang Yu-ra, Kwon Woong-soo, Kwon Ji-hoon (Kim Kang-min), Lee Mi-rim (Yoon Sang-jung), and Kwon Min-seo (Shin Su-ah). Family members with bright smiles as if they were matching dress codes in beige tones and taking family photos make even the viewers smile. However, the phrase “no one can stop them” stimulates curiosity, foreshadowing their unusual moves. 파워볼게임

And at that moment, as the room darkens, the reversal of the family, which is 180 degrees different from before, is revealed. It has been completely transformed into an intelligence family wearing an all-black suit and sunglasses. Above all, the appearance of those who move forward with the beat in the Earth Defense Force pose while lowering their expressions and posture that erased their laughter makes people laugh.

Expectations are high for the “Family,” which exudes unique and pleasant charm just by the teaser video.

“Family” will premiere on April 17 at 8:50 p.m. on April 17.

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