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Based on strong trust in renewing contracts with Cha Ye ryeon HB


Based on strong trust in renewing contracts with Cha Ye ryeon HB Entertainment,


Actress Cha Ye-ryeon renewed her contract with her agency HB Entertainment.

HB Entertainment said on the 5th, “We will renew our contract based on strong trust with Cha Ye-ryeon and continue our relationship.”

“As the actor decided to join us based on his deep trust, we will continue to provide full support for Cha Ye-ryeon’s active activities in the future,” he said.

Cha Ye-ryeon made her debut in 2004 with the film “Girls’ Ghost Story 4-Voice,” “Mei”, “Doremi Pa Solarsido”, “My Black Minidress”, “The Tenor” “Richo Spinto”, “Evil: The Abandon”, “Ssangsaengryeong”, “Royal Family”, “The Golden Rainbow”, “My Lovely Girl”, “Tempty Love”, “Tempty” and “Tempty”. He showed off his character with a wide range of acting spectra, giving a strong impact to the public, and proving himself as a great actor 인천여성전용마사지

In addition, she has become an all-around entertainer with her sophisticated and urban image and unique fashion sense, while being an MC in “She’s Olive – Cha Ye-ryeon’s Editor’s Story”, “Style Magazine”, “TOP Designer”, “Beauty Academy”, and “Women’s Plus 3”.

Cha Ye-ryeon, who has been loved by the public for showing off her unique presence as well as endless acting transformation, will continue to be active after renewing her contract with HB Entertainment.

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