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Businessman Lee Siyoung That’s why I don’t gain weight Luxurious


Businessman Lee Siyoung That’s why I don’t gain weight Luxurious early in the morning swimming


Actress Lee Si-young (40) shared her diligent daily life.

Lee Si-young posted a picture on her Instagram story on the 7th with the message “Morning Swimming.”

The released photo showed Lee Si-young diligently swimming in the early morning. Lee Si-young, who can see the corner of the picture slightly, and the white water polo catch the eye. It reminds us of the secret of Lee Si-young, who usually shows off a variety of fashion and boasts a lean body.

Luxurious swimming pools such as clean and clear water and large windows with beautiful scenery are also impressive. The warm sunshine adds a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere. In addition, Lee Si-young drew attention by marking the time, saying, “AM 6:17.”

Lee Si-young married a non-celebrity businessman in 2017 and has a son. Lee Si-young’s husband is known to be the CEO of the restaurant industry with annual sales of 2.5 billion won

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