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Callie Clarkson refuses to photo-shop album photos…

Callie Clarkson

Callie Clarkson refuses to photo-shop album photos…”I’ll be a complete me”.

Singer Callie Clark-son (40), who is mesmerizing the world, refused to edit photos using Photoshop.

Callie Clarkson

According to People magazine in the U.S. on the 19th, Callie Clarkson talked about the new album through a live broadcast on her SNS account and said, “I didn’t work on the photo-shop.”

Callie Clarkson said, “The full album is almost complete. All I have to do is put a picture on it, he said. “It’s incredible, but I didn’t do photo-shop.”

He then said, “I tried to get out of the existing album cover shoot. “I couldn’t be a happy me with that,” he said. “This album felt different while recording. I felt like I was the real me. I was able to be myself free and complete,” he said, expressing his affection for the album.

Callie Clarkson made her debut in 2002 when she won the first season of American Idol, a famous audition program in the United States. The biggest success among the winners of the survival music audition program, he was loved around the world with a number of hit songs such as “Because Of You” and “Stronger.”

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