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I have a sore throat, a watery pus, and it hurts


I have a sore throat, a watery pus, and it hurts


Q: I’m a woman in her early 20s. I often have sex and self-defense. Recently, a rash was observed on the vulva, but it is not itchy. I was very concerned, so when I squeezed it, I got a watery pus. It was accompanied by pain, and after that, it swells red and hurts when you touch it. What’s wrong with you? Is it a normal pimple?

A: You must visit an obstetrics and gynecology clinic to determine the exact cause and treat whether it is a pimple on the vulva, a wart, or a Bartolin cyst.

A simple rash can be treated simply with antibiotics. Please visit a nearby hospital for examination.

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