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I thought there was nothing more embarrassing


I thought there was nothing more embarrassing about Kim Jong Kyu who survived


“I really only had to go up, I thought there was nothing more to be ashamed of (laughs).”

Wonju DB won 111-80 with Doo Kyung-min, who scored 43 points in an away game against Daegu Korea Gas Corporation in the 2022-2023 SKT A-dot professional basketball held at Daegu Gymnasium on the 18th. The regret of losing eight consecutive matches against the Korea Gas Corporation was completely erased at once on the same day. He also added extra money to escape the six consecutive away games.

DB recorded 9 wins and 13 losses with the victory.

It was a close game for about six minutes at the first six minutes of the game. DB, which had a narrow lead of 20-19, finished the first quarter 37-28 with a series of goals by Park In-woong and Leonard Freeman.

Doo Kyung-min, who scored 15 points in the first quarter alone, also focused 12 points in the second quarter. The score gap widened. DB, who finished the first half 66-44, ran away 89-60 with 3:27 left in the third quarter. DB, which had a poor finish in the third quarter, widened the gap again to 100-72 with Kim Jong-kyu’s all-up dunk with 7:27 left in the fourth quarter. I’ve got my chance to win.

While Doo Kyung-min stood out with 43 points and 8 assists, including 9 three-point shots, Kim Jong-kyu also scored 15 points, 4 assists and 7 assists to help the team win.

After winning the game, Kim Jong-kyu said, “Our opponent’s performance was bad in the game against the Korea Gas Corporation. “It was worse in Daegu (away game), so I talked a lot about focusing more and taking the victory here,” he said adding, “Doo Kyung-min showed a great performance.” It returned to energy not only to our team’s players but also to our fans. “I think the rest of the game went well,” he said.

DB manager Lee Sang-beom positively looked at Kim Jong-kyu’s movement in the recent game before the game and after the victory.

Kim Jong-kyu said, “As the coach said, there were parts that could be done inside and outside depending on the opponent’s matchup. I lost confidence on my own due to my balance and physical condition. I had pain, and my confidence dropped, he said. “I’m exercising with too good players.” I was determined to come back quickly, and I was so sorry to the coach, coach, colleagues, and fans. I was sorry (that I couldn’t) even though our team could go up further. You have to keep your current condition. “We have a power increase factor that can create good synergy when the (injured) players (Kang Sang-jae, Park Chan-hee, Yoon Ho-young, and Dwan Hernandez) return,” he said.

Doo Kyung-min’s 43 points on the day are the most points in a game this season.

Kim Jong-kyu, who has been working with Doo Kyung-min since his time at Kyung Hee University, said, “I felt it from college. He is an explosive player. On a day like this, I thought (passing to Doo Kyung-min) would be one goal. “I usually get this feeling (from a player who plays) under the goal, but on a day like today (18th), I thought it would be solved because it was one goal,” he said adding, “While playing, Kyung-min said to make a career high (record) today.” Kyungmin said defense is more important than personal. That came out well. He said, “Kyungmin was at the level of non-KBL today.”

Lee Dae-heon scored 23 points in the second round match against the Korea Gas Corporation on the 9th. Kim Jong-kyu failed to stop Lee Dae-heon at all. Lee also scored 15 points in the first quarter alone.

Kim Jong-kyu, who could have recalled bad memories, said, “There was a team defense that helped Lee Dae-heon rather than blocking him one-on-one and scoring. Of course, Dae-heon scored a lot because he had a good feeling in the beginning, but just because I scored a lot in the last game, I didn’t mean I could win the game,” he said. “It would have been scarier than we felt when we saw Dae-heon scoring.” He must have been afraid that the Korea Gas Corporation could not control Kyung-min’s score. “We had a promised team defense, so we weren’t mentally shaken, and we had the confidence to score at any time,” he said.

Kim Jong-kyu’s physical condition seemed to be better than before, including an all-liop dunk.

Kim Jong-kyu said, “My knees have recovered much more than before. That was a combination. He was tested and diagnosed with having to carry it to some extent. That doesn’t mean that my knee is broken. You need to adapt quickly to this pain and balance it. Trainers and coaches watched it a lot. I tried to catch them mentally and physically, he said. “How can I be ashamed of myself here any more? I went to the point where I couldn’t back down further. “I really only have to go up, I thought there was nothing more to be ashamed of (laugh).”

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