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Kim Dasom, a former Sistar, how far did you…

Kim Dasom

Kim Dasom, a former Sistar, how far did you put down your clothes? drastic exposure

Kim Dasom

Actress Kim Dasom from Sistar showed an alluring aura.

On the 21st, the agency Story J Company released several photos of Kim Da-som with the November issue of Magazine MAPS.

In the released photo, Kim Da-som is staring at the camera in a black two-piece with bold cutting.

The red-pointed makeup on the cheeks and lips makes his features clearer and clearer, and also gives him an unexpected charm that contrasts with his outfit.

In the following photo, Kim Da-som is presenting a variety of visuals, perfectly digesting colorful costumes such as fur jackets, beads dresses, and black pearl sha skirts.

In particular, his appearance in a costume that maximizes the slender silhouette attracts attention by doubling his seductive and sexy charm.

In addition, Kim Da-som is rumored to have received cheers from the field staff as she completed numerous A cuts at once with natural poses and gestures as well as facial expressions that fit the concept. 토토사이트

Meanwhile, Kim Da-som is filming MBC’s new Friday-Saturday drama “The Season of Puppy,” which Kim Jung-hyun and Lim Soo-hyang have confirmed their appearances.

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