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Kim Minjae, the key to winning Naples in 30 years…

Kim Minjae

Kim Minjae, the key to winning Naples in 30 years…

Kim Minjae

All over Europe is paying attention to Kim Min-jae (25, Naples). Introducing it as “Korea’s Virgil van Dijk (Liverpool),” he predicted that it will hold the key to Napoli’s victory.

“South Korea’s Van Dijk Kim Min-jae is the key to winning Naples,” a soccer statistics company said on the 5th (Korea Standard Time). “I’m looking for my first Scooteto (League championship) in 30 years, and Kim Min-jae’s quick adaptation will be the reason,” he pointed out.

Napoli did the right reinforcement this summer. Mertens, Lorenzo Insine, and Kalidou Coulibaly left, but they increased their power by bringing Giacomo Las Padori, Kim Min-jae and Hvicha Kravatskelia.

He was considered a substitute in the beginning, but Kim Min-jae’s performance was amazing. He was Serie A’s best central defense rating and sixth overall this season with a rating of 7.32 based on “Fuscoordd dotcom.” “It is clear that Kim Min-jae played a decisive role in Napoli’s watertight defense,” the media praised.

According to “Fuscoordinated Dotcom,” Kim Minjae fought more than 20 times in the air and had a success rate of 64.9%. It was the 26th best indicator of all players.

He wasn’t just a defensive player. Rear ball distribution was one of Kim Min-jae’s best strengths. Kim Minjae boasted a high pass success rate of 73.9% per game. The media pointed out, “Napoli’s key point was to bring a central defense suitable for Coulibaly, which was the core of last season, but Kim Min-jae surpassed Coulibaly.”

Coach Spaletti needed a central defender who could try to build up the rear from the goalkeeper and switch to attack from the rear. Kim Min-jae was growing under Spaletti’s tactics. This is why many Italian legends, including Gianfranco Zola and Giorgio Chiellini, have put their tongues out on Kim Min-jae.

Kim Min-jae is recognized in all aspects. Recently, according to the Italian Football Association, Kim Min-jae was included in the Serie A Player of the Month in October. The Italian Footballers Association said, “I had no problem adjusting from the first day. I erased all my concerns about defense that I didn’t play in Serie A. “It has become the best central defense in the league,” he said, raising his thumb.

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