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Kim Na-young’s stylish super mom’s high fashion pull-perfect


Kim Na-young’s stylish super mom’s high fashion pull-perfect


Kim Na-young showed off her fashionista through a pictorial.

Broadcaster Kim Na-young has unveiled a Cosmopolitan fashion pictorial, a fashion and lifestyle magazine.

Recently, Kim Na-young, who is showing the parenting life of her two realistic sons on JTBC’s entertainment program “I Raise You,” has transformed from “Super Mom” to “Super Model.”

Although the shooting was carried out early in the morning due to his busy schedule, he happily led the field atmosphere with his unique pleasant energy throughout the shoot, and showed his look and style as much as a professional model by perfecting his body line and pose.

Meanwhile, Kim Na-young’s charm can be seen in the September 2021 issue of Cosmopolitan.

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