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Kim Taewoo and Kim Aeri Asset mom Ha disappeared Surprised

Kim Taewoo

Kim Taewoo and Kim Aeri Asset mom Ha disappeared Surprised

Kim Taewoo

Singer Kim Tae-woo’s wife, Kim Ae-ri, reported her recent status.

On the 3rd, Kim Ae-ri said on her Instagram, “Another joy in setting our table is Come to think of it, the energy pool around me!He posted several photos of how he has been doing.

In the released photo, Kim Ae-ri is sitting on the sofa and looking somewhere with her legs crossed. Kim Ae-ri’s idol figure, which perfectly pulls off the missing fashion of the bottoms with her bleached hair in yellow, is surprising.

Meanwhile, Kim Ae-ri married Kim Tae-woo in 2011 and has two sons and one daughter. These families used to be on SBS parenting entertainment show “Oh!” She gained popularity by appearing on “My Baby”

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