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Min Hyeyeon and Joo Jinmo really cherish it


Min Hyeyeon and Joo Jinmo really cherish it It’s not a waste if it’s for my wife


Min Hye-yeon boasted Joo Jin-mo’s affection.

On the afternoon of the 12th, doctor Min Hye-yeon posted a picture through her Instagram story.

In the released photo, boxes containing desserts are placed on the table full of shopping bags.

Min Hyeyeon said with a picture, “The walnut pie that OOO gave me was so delicious that I asked my brother to buy it for me. A total of 15 editions of “Saosim.” Joo Jin-mo bought a lot of food that his wife liked.

Min Hye-yeon showed off her affection for Joo Jin-mo by adding a heart, saying, “I’ll eat it for six months.” You can get a glimpse of the daily lives of these couples who enjoy sweet newlyweds.

Meanwhile, Min Hye-yeon, a graduate of Seoul National University Medical School, married actress Joo Jin-mo in 2019. It also operates a YouTube channel called Doctor Hyeyeon.

In addition, Min Hye-yeon drew attention by delivering medical knowledge on various broadcasting programs.

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