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National Health Insurance Corp Pap tests not without experience of sex


National Health Insurance Corp Pap tests not without experience of sex.


I work at the company : q to unmarried women in their late 20s on duty.Once every two years provided by National Health Insurance Corp. office workers are having a check-up.Except for the rest of the cervical cancer screening is during the previous experience still not received.Pap tests was never, as well.

Last year, instead of health care workers due to irregular menstruation to visiting the obstetrics and gynecology in a physical check-up.As a result, the fallopian tubes to a large bump over ten cm was found.Or did the surgical removal in a big hospital in Seoul.

Since then, once a year regularly take ultrasonic wave treatment, and anus by visiting the hospital who received surgery.

The current company workers in the thorough medical checks are separate individuals, not on duty had a checkup, the examination should submit the results.Must be stored in the business.

Never never get a Pap tests, but anal ultrasonography results can not be substituting instead?

Some in the hospital, alternative documents submitted to the company?

Pap tests for parainfluenza-4. if sexually inexperienced : a

The ultrasonic inspection is receiving health care items and separately from the hospital so there is no need to submit different.

A maternity test the examination due to the different items, missing should not be.

Should be a check-up but the Pap tests.

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