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Park Eun-young’s birth is full of excitement, and her son is a mother

Park Eun-young's

Park Eun-young’s birth is full of excitement, and her son is a mother who is full-blown mother.

Park Eun-young's

Announcer-turned-broadcaster Park Eun-young told her recent status ahead of giving birth.

On the 13th, Park Eun-young posted on her Instagram, “35W6D is now in full swing. I’ll give you a little black goat before you get pregnant. Hyunjin gave me a baby bottle sterilizer plus long johns, which I really need after giving birth. University, announcer, marriage, pregnancy, following my sister, and my son’s mom’s parenting. They also posted several photos with a beautiful photo of me poking my house.

In the photo released, Park Eun-young continues to live at home ahead of giving birth. He also expresses his gratitude for the help he received from Seo Hyun-jin, a former announcer who has many similarities. Seo responded with “Prettyya♥.”

Meanwhile, Park Eun-young married Kim Hyung-woo, a younger startup businessman, last year, and is currently in the TV Chosun “Taste of Wife” as she is pregnant.

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