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Various and novel effects of beats High blood pressure


Various and novel effects of beats


What are the effects of beats?

There is blood pressure control.

High blood pressure is one of the leading causes of heart disease, which is the number one cause of death in the world. Studies show that this vegetable has the effect of lowering blood pressure. Nitrate is converted into nitric oxide in our body and reduces blood pressure. However, it is a temporary phenomenon caused by nitrate intake, so it needs to be consumed steadily to continue this effect.

It improves cholesterol.

Studies show that it increases ‘good’ HDL cholesterol and lowers ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol and triglycerides (neutral fat). As the diet becomes more westernized, cholesterol intake increases, and this food can help 정품비아그라

Hypertension and LDL cholesterol and triglycerides (neutral fat) are causes of cardiovascular diseases such as stroke and myocardial infarction. Eating this vegetable steadily will reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Increase your energy.

Studies show that nitrates can increase the efficiency of mitochondria, which make energy in cells, to increase motor skills. It will be a good choice for rejuvenation and vitality.

It’s effective for anti-inflammatory.

The rich ingredient of beta-lane acts as a powerful antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory effect. Inflammation is the cause of most diseases as well as chronic diseases. It will help to treat and prevent various diseases as well as arthritis, bronchitis, or ulcers.

It helps digestion and keeps your intestines healthy.

Fiber helps your health with various actions. One of them is to help digestion and keep your intestines healthy. It helps to prevent waste from accumulating in the intestines and helps increase bacteria that are beneficial to intestinal health. According to the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s data, the average daily intake of fiber in Korea was 22.7g in 2015, which is about 70% of the recommended daily intake. You should eat more for your health. This kind of food will be helpful.

It helps brain health.

As we get older, every function of our body gradually decreases, and so does our brain function. And this also leads to dementia. According to the data from the Central Dementia Center, as of 2016, one out of every 10 elderly people aged 65 or older in Korea is suffering from dementia, and this ratio will gradually increase as they have entered an aged society. Studies show that the vegetables have the effect of increasing blood supply to the brain, increasing cognitive function, and lowering the risk of dementia.

It has anti-cancer properties.

Cancer is a kind of mutant cell that our body cannot control. Oxidation stress causes these strains of cells, and antioxidant components correspond to these oxidizing cells. It is the action of preventing and fixing the mutation process of cells. Studies show that beta-lane (betanine), a powerful antioxidant, has anti-cancer properties. It’s still at the level of laboratory research, but you will be able to improve your anti-cancer ability by eating regularly.

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