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Waist disc pain Thigh pain Front pain


Waist disc pain Thigh pain Front pain


Q: I’m a man in my mid-50s. I’ve had back pain for a long time. I’ve never visited a hospital considering it as a mild symptom.

After I went abroad last winter, I suddenly felt a bad pain in my leg. People around me said there was a risk of recurrence, so I stopped them from performing surgery.

I went to an oriental medicine hospital and got an MRI. They say the disk between No. 3 and No. 4, between No. It’s not enough to operate, but it’s a dangerous situation.

I’ve been treated for three months. I got acupuncture and took oriental medicine. It didn’t really work.

I went to neurosurgery and had an epidural spinal surgery. I was hospitalized for 2 nights and 3 days and had a procedure, but fortunately, my symptoms got better than before. A few days after the discharge, I felt pain in the front of my thighs. I woke up because I was sick. It’s okay to stand up for a while, but after a few minutes, the front of your thighs hurt a lot.

I touched the surroundings of my spine with my hands. There was a feeling of soft bones touching the pelvis, so I pressed it gently and it caused pain. On the contrary, my spine didn’t hurt three, four, or five times.

I went to an oriental clinic and they said I had an inflammation of my pelvis. Discs usually hurt the back of your thighs, but this is the first time you’ve seen it like this. Is it treatable?

A: The sciatic nerve (the nerve to the leg) is pressed and the leg hurts. There is no pain in the spine with disc problems. It’s a separate issue from the pain caused by the escape of spinal cord 3, 4 and 5.

Nerve 3 causes pain in the front of the leg, nerve 4 on the side of the leg, and nerve 5 on the back of the leg. Therefore, it appears to be a symptom due to the pressure of discs 3, 4, and 5.

There are many non-surgical spinal treatments, but this helps relieve the symptoms, and it takes time for the disc to recover 부산출장안마

You need to be treated steadily and exercise your back muscles. Acute cases can get better quickly, but chronic cases can take a long time.

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