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Hand acupressure, its effect on the body

Hand acupressure

1. The upper part of the finger stop

If you want to relieve the fatigue of your eyes with the blood of your eyes, press the blood spot for about 3 seconds, rest for 1 second, and press it again for 10 minutes.

2. The uppermost tip of the middle finger

When the headache gets worse due to stress, take a deep breath and press down on the uppermost tip of the middle finger. Press it for 3 seconds and then repeat the rest action for 1 second for 10 minutes.

3. Failure to release from overwork can lead to chronic fatigue. Even if you enjoy enough rest, you can’t recover, and your memory and concentration can be reduced, and pressure on the right end of your weak finger will help you recover from fatigue.

4. The gastrointestinal acupressure point is the 122 point following the central point of the palm and the center point of the first joint of the first finger. When you usually have indigestion or a bloated stomach, you can start with this point, and if you press down 토토커뮤니티 on the first joint of the middle finger, which is equivalent to the stomach, you can feel refreshed.

5. The colon has an upward colon, a transverse colon, a downward colon, an S-shaped colon, and an acupressure point connected to the rectum, about 1 cm from both sides and up and down, centering on the central point of the palm. It is effective to stimulate colon function when bowel function is reduced due to constipation, abdominal gas, enteritis, or long illness. It is also good for relieving obesity in the lower abdomen caused by hangover.

6. If there is a problem with the breast, stimulate both sides at 122 points, following the first and center of the middle finger. This helps to facilitate breastfeeding. If there is a problem with the left breast, put pressure on the left hand and right hand pressure point if there is a problem with the right breast.
[Source] (Shared) Hand acupressure health law|Written by Odaesan

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