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Probability of vaginal examination pregnancy on the 4th day of ovulation


Probability of vaginal examination pregnancy on the 4th day of ovulation


Q: I’m a woman in her mid-20s. My menstrual cycle is constant at 28 days. On the 14th (the day before Liberation Day), it was ovulation day, and on the 18th, I had a no-con vaginal examination with my boyfriend. (Before the relationship, I gave him an evaluation through oral sexual intercourse.)

My period is scheduled for the 28th to the 31st, but I haven’t heard from you yet. Should I get a prescription for post-natal care? I’m so worried 비아그라효과

A: If your menstrual cycle is regular, you don’t have to worry too much. The chances of pregnancy are slim. If you are worried about pregnancy because of the delay in your period, and it has been about two weeks since the last relationship, please test it with a pregnancy test machine. You can check if you are pregnant with your first urine in the morning. If you take it after 72 hours, it will be less effective, so if you take it now, it won’t work

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