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Jang Yoonju, a neighborhood resident you ran into on the street

Jang Yoonju

Jang Yoonju, a neighborhood resident you ran into on the street. When you saw someone?

Jang Yoonju

Model and actor Jang Yoon-joo shared her daily life.

On the 9th, Jang Yoon-joo left a message on her personal Instagram story, saying, “I met a neighbor on my way to work. For me, Parisian Jae-hyung is my older brother.”

Along with this, the released photo shows singer Jung Jae-hyung enjoying a morning walk with his dog. Wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt and shorts, he is having a relaxing moment like a Parisian 여성전용마사지

Meanwhile, netizens who saw this responded in the online community, saying, “I ran into Jung Jae-hyung on the street,” “I want to live there,” and “It would be really nice to meet him like that.”

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